Hello and welcome!
I started this web site in late 2023 to post my random scribblings on investing and investment markets.
It is not ‘monetised’ in any way, and there is no ‘revenue model’. The newsletters are free, and contain no ads or marketing material or sponsored material at all. I do not receive any direct or indirect financial or non-financial benefit from any company or provider of products or services referred to in the content. I use my data, analyses, insights, and ideas to invest my own money. I also use the material in my roles on Investment Committees, consulting to advisory firms, and providing data and analysis to institutions.
Where I write about specific companies or investments, I will always make it very clear whether I am, or have been, an investor or not, and that is usually the point of the story – to talk about lessons learned along the way. Enjoy!
I have had the privilege of living through, participating in, and learning first-hand from, the best and worst of financial markets over the past 40 years
These experiences - plus degrees in law, economic history, finance, and a CFA charter along the way - have enabled me to develop a unique, multi-disciplinary, multi-dimensional view of financial markets, booms & busts, crashes & and rebounds - what drives them, and how to navigate them, from macro vision to micro execution as a hands-on practitioner, investor, adviser, and portfolio manager.
You can check out my bio here. Please subscribe to my Newsletter, connect on LinkedIn, or follow me on (Twitter) X